
时间:2011-08-20来源:未知作者:admin 点击:加载中。。。

蓝爸爸 蓝爸爸 : 蓝爸爸是蓝精灵们的精神领袖,格格巫的克星。蓝爸爸身穿红色裤子,红色软帽,白色的络腮胡子充满了睿智与沧桑,除了指挥蓝精灵们从事生产劳动外,大多数时候蓝爸爸一头闷在自己的实验室里进行着各种各样奇特实验。蓝爸爸足智多谋,处变不惊,往往能在危急时候想出转危为安的好办法。
蓝精灵-惰惰 惰惰 : 惰惰总是一副睡不够的样子,在任何地方都能睡大觉,惰惰平时也很懒惰,总是偷懒不干活。
蓝精灵-灵灵 灵灵 : 灵灵耳朵上总是别着一只铅笔,穿的也与众不同(背带裤)。灵灵是个发明家,发明了不少神奇的东西——天气控制器、机器蓝精灵等等。
蓝精灵-聪聪 聪聪 : 聪聪是蓝爸爸的特别助手,戴着黑框眼睛。聪聪喜欢自作聪明,爱出风头,却又胆小怕事。经常做弄巧成拙的事。聪聪的口头禅是:“爸爸常说...”
蓝精灵-笨笨 笨笨:笨手笨脚的笨笨老是打翻东西,他甚至会自个儿被双脚绊倒。
蓝精灵-踪踪 Reporter Smurf : Reporter Smurf is the news reporter for the Smurf Village. Reporter Smurf wears a newsroom-style visor on his head and carries a quill and notepad. Reporter interviews various Smurfs for publication in his newspaper, which he prints using his printing press, which is maintained by Handy Smurf.
蓝精灵-缝缝 缝缝 Tailor smurf: 缝缝是蓝精灵中的裁缝,蓝精灵们的衣服都是他做的。
蓝精灵-农农 农农 Farmer Smurf : 农农是个农夫,负责农作物的生产,以及指挥粮食的收割、他戴着稻草做的自由帽。
蓝精灵-梦梦 梦梦: 盼望刺激、冒险的生活,见识事物,不喜欢平淡。在蓝精灵们的帮助下,梦梦实现了乘坐飞船去外星球的梦想。
蓝精灵-平平 平平 : 蓝精灵里的号手,音乐家,一把小号总不离身,不过他吹的号却不大好听。
蓝精灵-画画 画画 : Painter Smurf is a brilliant artist (much like our own Vic George). Painter speaks with a French accent and refers to his paintings as "masterpizzas".
Hefty Smurf Hefty Smurf : Hefty Smurf is the strongest Smurf in the village. He's also the only Smurf to sport a tattoo (a red heart)! Hefty is friends with Handy and can often be seen lifting weights or exercising.
蓝精灵-浮浮 浮浮 :帽子上别着多鲜花,酷爱照镜子,非常臭美。
蓝精灵-乐乐 乐乐 : 喜欢恶作剧的乐乐,经常给其他蓝精灵送礼物。“送给你一件礼物”,乐乐的口头禅。每当礼物箱子被拆开,开箱子的人就会被炸的灰头土脸。
Smurfette 蓝妹妹(Smurfette) : 蓝妹妹最初是格格巫制造的用来谋害蓝精灵的假蓝精灵,但后来被蓝精灵们教育好了,成为一个真正的蓝精灵,蓝妹妹一头金色的长发,白色的连衣裙和高跟鞋,加上妩媚动人的眼神、甜美的声音,使得蓝妹妹成了很多蓝精灵心目中的梦中情人。
蓝精灵-诗诗 诗诗(Poet smurf): Poet Smurf lives for the written word and always has a parchment and quill in hand. Poet is known for the trill in his voice and his fantastic odes.
蓝精灵-厌厌 厌厌/怨怨(Grouchy Smurf) : 厌厌总是皱着眉,讨厌一切东西,甚至是蓝妹妹。厌厌的头口禅是:“我讨厌XXX”。

婪婪(Greedy smurf):戴一定厨师帽,围着白围巾,总是捧着巧克力蛋糕,非常贪吃。也因此婪婪是蓝精灵中出色的糕点师。注:动画中将厨厨和婪婪整合成一个角色。

Puppy Puppy : Puppy was offered as a gift to Papa Smurf by Homnibus. It was Baby Smurf, however, who opened the enchanted locket around Puppy's neck and became the dog's true master. Puppy is a good friend to the Smurflings and protects the Smurfs from Gargamel's cat Azrael. 
Snappy Smurfling Snappy Smurfling : Snappy Smurf had his age reversed and became Snappy Smurfling. Snappy wears a yellow tee-shirt with a storm cloud on it - which is indicative of his disposition. Snappy can be quite snappy at times! 
Slouchy Smurfling Slouchy Smurfling : Slouchy Smurf had the aging process reversed and was transformed into Slouchy Smurfling. Slouchy is not a very enthusiastic Smurf and often takes a relaxed pose. Slouchy has a red tee-shirt and loose fitting white cap.
Nat Smurfling Nat Smurfling : Natural Smurf went from old to young and became a little Smurfling named Nat! Nat can talk to animals and loves all things to do with nature and the environment. Nat wears a straw hat and brown overalls. 
Sassette Smurfling Sassette Smurfling : Sassette was created by the Smurflings to serve as a sister for themselves and Smurfette. Sassette is an outdoorsy kind of girl, sports red hair and freckles, and wears pink overalls.
Baby Smurf Baby Smurf : One special evening, Baby Smurf was delivered to the village via a stork! Baby has magical powers and speaks in baby-talk. It is not known whether Baby is a girl or a boy. 
蓝爷爷 蓝爷爷 : 最老的蓝精灵,虽然老,但是蓝爷爷全身上下却充满了活力。在离开精灵村500年之后,蓝爷爷再一次回到了故乡。
蓝奶奶 蓝奶奶(Nanny smurf) : 蓝奶奶是所有蓝精灵的奶奶,她有一只名叫Smoogle的宠物。
Smoogle Smoogle : Nanny adores her pet Smoogle!
机器蓝精灵 机器人蓝精灵(Clockwork Smurf) :蓝精灵机器人是由灵灵制造出来的,他很强壮,并且很聪明。不过他不会说话,只能发出机械噪声。
Tracker Smurf 踪踪 Tracker Smurf : 踪踪耳朵上别着红色羽毛,是蓝精灵中的猎手。踪踪嗅觉灵敏,擅长追踪,寻找走失的蓝精灵是有很大作用。
Wild Smurf Wild Smurf : Wild Smurf wears clothing made of leaves. Wild Smurf grew up in the wild and isn't understood by the other Smurfs. Wild Smurf can communicate with animals and ask for their assistance.

格格巫 格格巫 Gargamel : 格格巫,一个长着鹰钩鼻,秃顶,邪恶的巫师、炼金术士。他总想抓住蓝精灵,作为自己的炼金材料,可是从来没有成功过。
阿兹猫 阿兹猫 Azrael : 阿兹猫是格格巫的助手,渴望喝道用蓝精灵煲的汤。格格巫的计划经常会被阿兹猫破坏掉。





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